OpenStreetMap driving directions

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OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a collaborative project aiming to create a free, editable world map. It is a community-driven project that relies on volunteers to add and update map data. OSM provides driving directions through its routing engine, called “OSRM”, which generates directions based on the map data. The directions provided by OSM are entirely free to use, as OSM is licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL), which allows users to access, modify, and distribute the map data for any purpose as long as they credit OSM and share any modifications they make under the same license.

Whether you are planning a road trip in Canada or need to get from point A to point B, OSM’s driving directions can help you find your way.

Tip: If you want the route planner to consider traffic conditions, select the “Traffic” option. If you do not need to, select “Driving” mode. You may find a designated traffic map here.

OSM driving directions

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What are the benefits of OSM and its driving directions?

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a collaborative project aiming to create a free, editable world map. It is a community-driven project that relies on volunteers to add and update map data. Some of the benefits of using OSM and its driving directions include the following:

  1. It is free to use: OSM is licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL), which allows users to access, modify, and distribute the map data for any purpose as long as they credit OSM and share any modifications they make under the same license.
  2. It is accurate and up-to-date: OSM relies on a community of volunteers to add and update map data, so the map is constantly being updated.
  3. It has global coverage: OSM has detailed map data for many parts of the world, including areas that other commercial mapping providers may not cover.
  4. It provides driving directions: OSM includes a routing engine called “OSRM” (Open Source Routing Machine) that can generate driving directions based on the map data.
  5. It is customizable: OSM provides APIs and tools that allow developers to customize the map data and build their own applications using the map data.

Like Google Maps, OSM is a valuable resource for those who need accurate, up-to-date, and customizable map data, including driving directions.

Try other routing providers that are valuable tools for road trips in Canada.