
The complete map service of Canada

Not only map and route planning: detailed location information, distances, GPS coordinates, and travel tips/itineraries for Canada.

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Canada Google maps

travel the right way

Canada maps, driving directions & facts

Canada Maps.com is the ultimate destination for anyone exploring the world’s second-largest country. We provide detailed maps of all of Canada’s provinces and territories and comprehensive information about the municipalities within each province.

Whether you’re looking to plan a road trip, find the perfect camping spot, or get to know your way around a new city, Canada Maps has you covered. We’re proud to be the go-to resource for travelers from all over the world.

Quality Mapping services

Quality Mapping services from certified experts. If you are looking for quality mapping services, you have come to the right place.

Great support

Great support for travel-related questions or booking opportunities can be found through online customer reviews. Customer reviews can provide in-depth and honest feedback about various aspects of travel, from the quality of service to the best (or worst) times to visit certain places.

Experienced instructors

We are your one-stop shop for finding the perfect instructor for your next outdoor adventure! Need help arranging a backpacking trip in the mountains? We have experienced advisors who can help you plan and book your dream vacation.

Road to success

The three-step rule

To plan your route, simply enter your starting point and destination, then choose your travel method. It’s that simple and free way of routing here on Canada Maps.com


Choose starting point

Start typing to choose a starting point from where you are departing.


Choose a destination

Start typing to choose a destination point where you wish to arrive.


Select the way of travel

You can switch between seven different modes of travel while panning driving directions: Car, Bicycle, Motorcycle, Light Truck, Truck, Public Transportation, and Walk.

ultimate travel tool

Don't forget to bookmark it!

Whether you are looking for a map of Canada to plan your vacation, or for a business trip, we have the map you need. We offer maps of all Canadian provinces and territories, as well as city maps and driving directions. If you are traveling to Canada, be sure to bookmark Canada Maps.com!

Ease of use
Always fresh maps
Free usage
Location support
Updated data
Traffic maps


User testimonials

Lisa & David

Website users

"We find this website so helpful when we want to plan our trips. It makes it much easier to learn about the cities we will stay in and the routes that will take us there."

Barbara A.

Website user

"I use Canada maps for all my trip planning. I love how easy it is to plan the route and get directions without any hassle."

Stephen R.

App user

"I'm a truck driver in Canada. I was really struggling with how to find my way around the country and what routes to take. When I found this app it made things so much easier for me. I would recommend it to any Canadian."


Our partners

Our mapping partners and routing providers are constantly working to ensure that our maps and routing instructions are as accurate and up-to-date as possible. Over the past year, we've made over 150 million updates to the maps used in our products. We're also constantly adding new features and improving existing ones. Please note that we are not sponsored by any of the map providers listed below; we are merely their contracted partners for the production of maps and route planning. We work with several digital product partners. Take a look at our featured partners to see who we've partnered with in the past.

Learn how to drive safely in Canada

Learn how to drive safely in Canada with these winter driving tips. In Canada, winter driving can be a challenge. Snow and ice can make roads slippery and difficult to navigate. Follow these winter driving tips to help you stay safe on the roadways this season.