Driving Directions

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Welcome to Canada Maps, your go-to destination for free and accurate maps and driving directions in Canada. Our interactive map makes it easy to plan your next trip, whether driving a car, riding a bike, or taking public transit. Enter your origin and destination addresses in the boxes and click “View driving directions” to see turn-by-turn instructions and a routing map right below the form. With ten transportation modes to choose from, you can find the best route for your needs. Our site includes live Google traffic information and a link to Google Maps, so you’ll always have the most up-to-date information at your fingertips. Start planning your journey today with Canada Maps!

Route Planner

Our free and accurate maps and driving directions site utilizes an interactive map to show you how to get from point A to point B in Canada. Using the boxes for the origin and destination location, enter the addresses and click “View driving directions” to view instructions on the map. Turn-by-turn directions and the routing map will appear right below the form.

Get directions for Cars, Vans, Delivery trucks, Trucks, Walks, Hikes, Bicycles, Scooters, Motorcycles, or transit in Canada.

Please check road conditions here or with the help of Waze before you depart. You may also check your accurate position or GPS Coordinates here.

©2023 Canada Maps.com

Rules of the road in Canada

Before driving in Canada, make sure you know the common road signs and provincial laws, whether traveling from another continent or within North America. Even within Canada, laws, signage, and provincial rules tend to vary across the country. In addition, road rules are heavily enforced when they apply to a particular province.

The following are essential rules of the road for drivers in Canada:

  • In Canada, people drive on the right-hand side of the road and pass on the left.
  • Making full stops at red lights and stop signs is mandatory.
  • Speed limits are regularly followed and enforced with photo radar detectors.
  • The speed limit will vary by province and road, but the statutory speed limit is often 50 km/hour or 31.06 mi/hour in urban areas and 80 km/hour or 49.70 mi/hour in rural areas.
  • Seat belt use is mandatory.
  • Pedestrians always have the right of way.
  • Cell phones are not allowed to be used while driving, but you may use hands-free units.
  • Driving is often not allowed on private property.
  • Drivers must stop (or proceed with caution) when encountering stopped school buses.
  • Driving with an elevated blood alcohol content is a criminal offense, though specific alcohol rules vary by province.
  • Right-hand turns are usually allowed at red lights unless otherwise signed.

It is essential to drive safely and respect the road rules in Canada. This includes knowing speed limits, understanding right-of-way laws, using turn signals when appropriate, avoiding distractions such as texting or talking on a cell phone while driving, and always wearing a seat belt. It is also important to be aware of weather conditions and adjust your driving accordingly. Additionally, obey all traffic signs – including no parking zones – or risk getting a ticket from police officers who patrol the roads daily. Doing all these things can help keep you safe on Canadian roads!